Register a Complaint

When to Register a complaint

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Complaints can be lodged only:

  • Once the number of days within which service would be provided as per the prescribed service standard is over, AND
  • Within 60 days of the transaction / availing of a service. To Know about Service Standards Click here
Where can I register the Complaint
  • At Post Office:
    • Complaints and Suggestion Book for complaints pertaining to services are available in all post offices in particular or for giving suggestions for improvement. It will be provided to the customer when demanded.
    • For Value Payable articles complaints are to be lodged at the office of booking. (Some cases will involve payment of charges)
    • Complaints for PLI /RPLI can be handed or posted to the Deputy Divisional Manager (PLI/RPLI) stationed at each Circle Office headquarters and Development Officer (PLI).
  • By hand or by Post at:
    • Any of the 11,103 Sevottam Compliant Customer Care Centers in the country
    • Post Office where transaction took place
    • Office of Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
  • Online
How to register a complaint online?

To register a complaint now, Click here

  • Fill the form with all required details and submit the details.
  • A reference number will be generated on successful registration of your complaint which can be used further for tracking of your complaint (Include some details of lodging Complaint for international articles).
  • For Corporate Complaints (Domestic and International), Login with your credentials on India post website. You will be redirected to Home page of India Post website.
  • Click Customer Support icon on the top right corner of Home Page Menu. You can download Excel templates (according to your complaint type i.e. Domestic or International) to provide complaint details from Download Templates section Under Customer Support Icon.
  • Fill Excel template with your complaint details.
  • Click on Register Complaint-Domestic or Register Complaint-International according to your complaint type.
  • Provide the required details, upload the filled in Excel template and Submit.
  • A mail on Email Id provided by you will be sent to you with complaint registration details.