About Philately

​About Philately

The philatelic activities of the Department of Posts include:

Maintenance of the National Philatelic Museum

The National Philatelic Museum is being maintained on ground floor of the Dak Bhawan. Besides commemorative postage stamps issued since 1947, thematic stamps and other philatelic products are on display. The museum is equipped with audio-visual facility and a small amphitheatre to interact with visitor​ groups such as school children. There is also a souvenir shop inside the museum. The museum is operational during Monday to Friday from 10:00 am till 5:00 pm.

Designing, printing and distribution of special / commemorative / definitive postage stamps
  • ​Designing, printing and distribution of commemorative / definitive postage stamps and items of postal stationery like Envelop, Inland Letter Card, Postcard, Aerogram, Registered cover etc.
  • Promotion of Philately and conduct of Philatelic Exhibition as well as monitoring of Exhibitions at State/ Regional and District levels.