​Cash on Delivery(COD) Facility

In order to meet the requirement of bulk customers for collection of amount for costlier goods, Cash on Delivery facility is available which provides collection of amount up to Rs. 50,000/- at the time of delivery of consignments.

Cash on Delivery facility shall be available to Express Parcel, Business Parcel and Speed Post customers subject to the following conditions, namely:

  1. Customer is a contractual customer and has agreement with the Department for transmission Cash on Delivery articles.
  2. Amount specified for recovery from addressee in the case of any such postal article shall not exceed fifty thousand rupees (Rs. 50,000/-) and shall not include a fraction of rupee.
  3. Such articles do not contain coupons, tickets, certificates or introductions designed for the sale of goods on what is known as the Snowball System​​.
  4. In addition to postage, insurance fee wherever leviable, the sender of the postal article intended to be transmitted by post as Cash on Delivery article shall be required to pay the following additional fee on delivery of such postal article:
    Amount to be recovered from addresseeSchedule of fee
    Up to Rs.5,000/-2% of the amount recovered or Rs. 50/- whichever is more
    Above Rs.5,000/-Rs. 100/- + 1% of amount exceeding Rs. 5,000/-

    The above fee shall be exclusive of taxes and the taxes, if leviable, have to be paid extra as notified by the Central Government from time to time.

  5. Insurance of Cash on Delivery articles shall not be compulsory irrespective of amount of recovery from addressee.
  6. Amount, recovered from addressee on delivery of such article by post, shall be remitted to the sender through ePayment.
  • Fast, Safe and economical solution of collection of amount of goods at the time of its delivery and its remittance to sender.
  • Insurance of Cash on Delivery articles shall not be compulsory irrespective of amount of recovery from addressee.
  • Amount, recovered from addressee on delivery of such article by post, shall be remitted to the sender through ePayment.
  • Address Specific delivery i.e article can be delivered to any person at the address on realization of requisite amount.
  • Compensation policy for the delayed delivery of Cash on Delivery consignment or in case of loss/damage/abstraction will be same as in case of Express Parcel / Business Parcel / Speed Post.