The conditions for posting of items with respect to packing, franking and postage requirements etc. are provided in detail in the Post Office Guide Vol. II & I. These rules apply uniformly over a given category of postal articles. Special rates are charged in respect of the following categories of the articles:-

  1. Book Packets containing printed books subject to conditions like periodicity of publication (it should not be published at regular intervals), packing (inscribed as “Printed Books”), contents (Reading or study material for students), no advertisements, name of printer or publisher, should contain only printed material.
  2. Book packets containing periodicals subject to the conditions that it is registered with the Registrar of Newspapers in India under the press and registration of Books Act, 1867, bears this registration number prominently, other provisions relating to prohibitions, size, weight, packing and penalty of reach of conditions as applicable.
  3. Blind literature packets are exempted from payment of postage and also from the payment of registration fee, fee for acknowledgement, fee for the attested copy of the receipt. They are transmitted by surface route only but Air lift can be given on payment of Airmail charge.
  4. Registered newspapers as per the definition and conditions provided in the Post Office Act are eligible for special postage rates. The details are available in the Post Office Guide Vol. I.