About Philately
Philatelic Bureaux
What is the Philatelic material available at Philatelic Bureaux?
Philatelic material includes:
- Mint stamps (unused stamps).
- Commemorative Stamps.
- First Day Covers (FDCs, which are issued with every commemorative stamp).
- Brochure (Information sheet accompanying each commemorative stamp).
- Collectors' Packs (Year-wise).
- Miniature/Souvenir sheets which are sometimes issued.
What are a Philatelic Bureau, a Philatelic Counter and an Authorized Office?
Philatelic Bureaux function in 68 Head Post Offices at Circle Head Offices or in major district towns. There are 68 Philatelic Bureaux and 1111 Philatelic Counters, which includes all the Head Post Offices or Mukhya Dak Ghars of the country. Philately is gaining ground as a hobby among all age groups.
- They carry out sale of philatelic items to individuals, dependent counters and authorized Post offices.
- Philatelic Deposit Accounts can be opened at these Bureaus.
- Philatelic counters supply all philatelic items but are not authorized to issue the Special Cancellation that accompanies each commemorative stamp.
- They provide a standard "First Day of Issue" cancellation on first day cover.
- Authorized offices sell only the Commemorative / Special Stamps, Blank First Day Covers and Brochures.