• Setting up a network in directorate and connecting them through leased lines, computerizing all administrative and financial works of company and setting up LAN in post offices with Jordan Post System so that all postal and non postal services are provided easily.
  • Developing Public Post Boxes Tracking (PPBT) through barcode technology
  • Activating International Postal System (IPS) for tracking express mail items so that customer can track their items through internet
  • Building an interactive website which provides access to services
  • Best Practices of Indonesia:
    a. E-Document Solution
    Service provided for account customers to process data in the form of softcopy into hardcopy document, or to process hardcopy document into softcopy document, which later distributed electronically or stored in digital media.
    b. Printing Solution
    Service provided for account customer to process data in the form of softcopy into hardcopy document.
