User Management

Global Customer

  • 1. How can I register under Global Customers (GCIF holders) category?
    For registering yourself in Global Customers (GCIF holders) category you should have your KYC done with India Post and should have a valid Global Customer Identification Number(GCIF).Additionally, follow the steps mentioned below to create your account on India Post Site:
    *Click on 'Register' Link on the homepage of IndiaPost Site
    *Click 'Global Customers (GCIF holders)'category. Registration page will open for you.
    Provide your Valid KYC details and hint question and answer that will be used in case you forget your password.
    * Select Channel preferences
    * Submit the details to complete the registration process.
    * A confirmation email with activation Link will be sent on your registered email ID for Account Activation
    * You need to click activation link before 48 hours to activate account.
    * After activation you can logon to the IndiaPost Site with your User ID and One Time Password(OTP).
  • 2. What will happen if i did not clicked Activation Link before 48 hours?
    In this case your activation link will expire. You can use Resend Activation Link Service to resend the link again on your registered email ID.
  • 3. How do I login to the portal?
    For log-in to the portal, follow the steps given below:

    * Click the Sign In link on the homepage of IndiaPost Site.
    * Click the Appropriate Category.Click Registered User category in case you have regsiter yourself in any categories mentioned here
    * Provide valid User ID and password on the Login Screen.
    * Click Sign In to log-in to your account.
  • 4. I have forgotten my password. How do I log-in now?
    To create a new password for log-in, follow the steps mentioned below:
    * Click Sign In button on the homepage of IndiaPost Site and then click the 'Forgot Password' link.
    * Enter your User ID and click the submit button.
    * Enter the answer of the hint question, provided by you while registration and click on Submit button.
    * One Time Password(OTP) will also sent to your registered email ID.
    *Login with OTP and User ID and change your password.
  • 5. How do I change my password?
    Log in to your Account on IndiaPost Site, Select the 'Change Password' link at the top of your page. Enter your new password and submit the details.
  • 6. How do I change my personal details?
    Log in to your Account on IndiaPost Site, click on 'My Profile' link at the top of your page. Modify the details and submit to update the details.
  • 7. Can i update my email id too?
    Yes, you can update your email id from 'My Profile' link . A verification link will be sent to your new email ID. Click verification link and your email id will be updated.
  • 8. My User ID has got blocked. What should I do?
    On entering wrong password five times consecutively, your user ID will get blocked for 30 minutes. After this period, it will automatically become active.Or alternatively youe can use Forgot Password Service to generate an OTP and reset your Password .
  • 9. What should I do if my account get expired?
    If you do not log-in to your account on IndiaPost Site for 3 (Three) months, your account will get expire. In this case on logging into your account you will get account Expiry Message along with Resend Activation Link.You can click this link to send activation link to your registered email Id. 
    Click activation link from your mailbox before 48 hours to activate account.
  • 10. What precautions can I take to protect my User ID/Password?
    * Memorise User Id and Password
    * Do not write them down anywhere
    * Do not tell your User ID/Password to anyone.
    * Make sure that no one is looking when you key in your User ID/Password
  • 11. What should I do when my password expired?
    In this case, you will be able to login with expired password. After logging in you will be redirected to change password screen, you have to enter your old and new password, confirm new password and submit the details to set new password.
  • 12. Can I change my UserID?
    UserID is a unique identity and cannot be changed. For a new UserID, you have to  to register again on the IndiaPost Site as a new user.
  • 13. Can I register multiple accounts with same UserID?
    No, you can not have multiple accounts with same UserID. UserID is a unique identity and checked at the time of registeration for uniqueness.
  • 14. Can I share my user-id and password with others?
    Sharing UserID or password is not a good practice as it is confidential and your personal Information. It is strongly advised not to share your UserId or password to others for security issues,As you will be liable for any transaction or activity done from your account.
  • 15. Can I register multiple accounts with same email ID?
    No, you can have only one account with one e-mail address.
Last Updated:06 Feb 2024