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  • Organization Overview

    ​​​​​​The Department of Posts comes under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Postal Service Board, the apex management body of the Department, comprises the Chairman and six Members. The six members of the Board hold portfolios of Personnel, Operations, Technology, Postal Life Insurance, Human Resources Development, Planning respectively. The Joint Secretary and Financial Advisor to the Department is a permanent invitee to the Board. The Board is assisted by a senior staff officer of the Directorate as Secretary to the Board. Deputy Directors General, Directors and Assistant Directors General provide the necessary functional support for the Board at the Headquarters.

  • Governance System

    For providing postal services, the whole country has been divided into 22 postal circles. Each Circle is co-terminous with a State except for Gujarat Circle (which also administers the Union Territories of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli), Kerala Circle (which includes the Union Territory of Lakshadweep)​, Maharashtra Circle (which has within its jurisdiction the State of Goa), North East Circle (which comprises six North Eastern States - Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland & Tripura), Punjab Circle (which has within its administrative jurisdiction, the Union Territory of Chandigarh), and Tamil Nadu Circle (which also administers the Union Territory of Pondicherry). Each of these Circles is headed by a Pr. Chief Postmaster General or Chief Postmaster General. Each Circle is further divided into Regions comprising field units, called Divisions (Postal / RMS Divisions). Each Region is headed by a Postmaster General. In the Circles and Regions there are other functional units like Circle Stamp Depots, Postal Stores Depots and Mail Motor Service etc. Besides these 22 Circles, there is another Circle, called Base Circle, to cater to the postal communication needs of the Armed Forces. The Base Circle is headed by an Additional Director General, Army Postal Service in the rank of a Major General. The officer cadre of the Army Postal Service comprises officers on deputation from the Civil Posts. Seventy five percent of the other ranks of the Army Postal Service are also drawn from the Department of Posts and the remaining personnel are recruited by the Army.

  • Postal Services Board

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  • Organizational Structure

    Organizational Structure Image