​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Post Office Passport Seva Kendra (POPSK)

Department of Posts (DoP) and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) have mutually agreed for leveraging the network of Post Office Passport Seva Kendras in order to provide passport services to citizens on a larger scale and to ensure wider area coverage for the benefits of the citizens

The facility has brought convenience to the general public in making passport services available in their vicinity through Post Offices and saved citizens from travelling long distances in order to obtain a Passport

424 Post Office Passport Seva Kendras (POPSKs) have been set up across the country including 65 POPSKs in Aspirational Districts​

List of POPSK

Contact Us

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Business Development Directorate
Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001
Tel: 91-11-23096110.
Toll free No. : 1800-11-8282